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Do Not Track
“Do Not Track, a personalized web series about privacy and the web economy. Directed by Brett Gaylor, coproduced by Upian, Arte, ONF & BR.”
Short Description

This interactive web-series provides a great introduction to various aspects around the collection of personal data online. In seven episodes, the viewer learns about issues such as data collection, data protection laws, online tracking and big data analytics, and is often encouraged to interact with the series. For every episode, a variety of additional information is provided, for example news articles, blog posts or short videos related to the topic of said episode. However, the tool was produced in 2015 and has likely not been updated since. Thus, some information may be outdated.

Diese interaktive Webserie bietet eine großartige Einführung in verschiedene Aspekte rund um die Sammlung persönlicher Daten im Internet. In sieben Episoden erfährt der Zuschauer mehr über Themen wie Datenerfassung, Datenschutzgesetze, Online-Tracking und Big-Data-Analytik und wird oft zur Interaktion mit der Serie aufgefordert. Zu jeder Episode wird eine Reihe zusätzlicher Informationen bereitgestellt, z. B. Nachrichtenartikel, Blogbeiträge oder kurze Videos, die sich auf das Thema der jeweiligen Episode beziehen. Das Tool wurde jedoch im Jahr 2015 erstellt und seitdem wahrscheinlich nicht mehr aktualisiert. Daher können einige Informationen veraltet sein.

Creator URL
Creator URL (2)
Who created the resource?
A collective of several actors
If 'Other', specify here
Free (Creative Commons, Public Domain, etc.)
Video (movie, documentary, video series)
English, German, French
Educational, Journalistic, Political
Target Group Age
Teenagers (14-16), Young adults (17-20), Adult learning / University
Target Group Size
Individual (1)
Target Group: Prior knowledge required?
If any - What kind of prior knowledge is required?
Up to 1 hour
Offline Use possible?
Technical Requirements / Accessibility
No requirements, low accessibility
Comment / Feedback
Still online and seems to sustain long term, but unfortunately only 7 episodes and so far no 2nd season. This is a great resource that I love to use, it was very popular with my study participants and it's the one go-to resource I recommend to everyone (friends, family, my hairdresser, young and old,...) who asks me what's wrong with giving away their data online. Unfortunately it's getting a bit outdated but I would still recommend this as a great introduction into big data.
Publication Date / Last Updated
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