Social Cooling

“Just as oil leads to global warming, data leads to social cooling” (Tijmen Schep). The website “Social Cooling” covers the issue of ‘social cooling’. This effect, which has also already been identified by academic research, highlights that the ubiquitous data collection makes citizens feel monitored and observed, and many change Read more…

Competendo - Digital Toolbox

Competendo – Digital Toolbox

A toolbox for democracy learning, digitalisation and non-formal education. The toolbox offers and shares experience, methods and inspiration for active citizenship-related learning and empowerment in communities, schools, or non-formal learning spaces, in organizations, universities or initiatives. The data collected is aimed at educators and includes, for example, methods for planning and Read more…

Den digitalen Wandel verstehen – Unterrichtsmaterialien

Den digitalen Wandel verstehen – Unterrichtsmaterialien

Die Unterrichtsmaterialien bereiten Fragen des mit der Digitalisierung einhergehenden gesellschaftlichen Wandels für den Politikunterricht auf und sollen einen Beitrag zur Digitalkompetenz von Lernenden wie Lehrenden leisten. Ziel ist, wichtige Zusammenhänge zu verstehen und den Wandel aktiv mitgestalten zu können. The teaching materials address issues of social change associated with digitization Read more…

Your Data Mirror

Your Data Mirror

Interactive Media Foundation (2021): Your Data Mirror, Berlin. The website “Your Data Mirror” aims to sensitize young adults to the topic of data collection and draws attention to the connection between personal data and possible effects on democracy and society. An interactive and personalized web application based on users’ Instagram Read more…