Data2Teach – Wie Daten Schule und Schulen Daten machen

Data2Teach ist ein kostenloser Online-Kurs zum Thema Datenkompetenz im Bildungskontext. The course is aimed primarily at students and teachers, but also at anyone interested in data collection and analysis. The course focusses on topics such as educational monitoring, data-driven educational processes, opportunities and risks of using data in the school Read more…

Social Cooling

“Just as oil leads to global warming, data leads to social cooling” (Tijmen Schep). The website “Social Cooling” covers the issue of ‘social cooling’. This effect, which has also already been identified by academic research, highlights that the ubiquitous data collection makes citizens feel monitored and observed, and many change Read more…


Chupadados the Datasucker. The hidden faces of our beloved technologies

Coding Rights – Joana Varon, Natasha Felizi, Tati Dias (Conception, Coordination) “Concepts like “Big Data,” “Smart Cities” and the “Internet of Things,” describe a belief that enormous data sets, analysed by computers with increased processing capacity and intelligent algorithms, would enable easier and more efficient results in sales, fight against Read more…


Unterrichtsbeispiel Big Data

AKJS; Europauniversität Flensburg (2016): Unterrichtsbeispiel Big Data, Kiel und Flensburg. As part of a joint seminar of Aktion Kinder- und Jugendschutz Schleswig-Holstein e.V. and the European University of Flensburg, student teachers have dealt with the topic of Big Data in the context of health, geodata, heteronomy, publicity and data protection Read more…