

The website “Internet-abc” provides a large variety of material on all internet-related topics – for children, educators and parents. The section for children includes short articles, games, videos and quizzes; the section for educators consists of teaching material, learning modules and information; and parents are provided with advice and support. Read more…

Data-Kids Website


Die “Data-Kids” Website der Berliner Beauftragten für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit enthält eine Vielzahl von Videos, Spielen, Unterrichtsmaterial, ein Lexikon und Informationen für Eltern. Das Material richtet sich an jüngere Kinder (Grundschule bis Klasse 6) und verwendet Geschichten rund um sechs tierische Hauptcharaktere um Kinder über Themen rund um Datenschutz und Read more…

How normal am I?

How normal am I?

The website “How normal am I?” is an interactive online experience that aims to raise awareness about facial recognition and artificial intelligence systems. It accesses the user’s camera and applies a facial recognition algorithm that judges the user’s face, accompanied by an explanatory commentary by the author. By seeing how Read more…