BIG DATA Kommentar für Lehrpersonen

Big Data. Lehrmittel für die Sekundarstufen

Museum für Kommunikation (2020): Big Data. Lehrmittel für die Sekundarstufen. (Autorinnen: Carmen Siegenthaler und Anja Voge), hrsg. vom Schweizerischer Nationalfonds – Zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Nationales Forschungsprogramm NFP 75 «Big Data» ( und in Kooperation mit dem Museum für Kommunikation, Bern. The teaching material is aimed at students Read more…

Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Keller, Michael; Neufeld, Josh (2014): Terms of Service. Understanding our role in the world of Big Data, hrsg. von Rhyne Piggott und Lam Thuy Vo, This critical big data literacy tool provides a very interesting and low – threshold approach to teaching about big data: through a graphic novel. The Read more…

Big Data Methoden (jfc)

Big Datapoly

jfc Medienzentrum e. V. (2017): Big Datapoly. (Autorinnen und Autoren: Tatjana Blaar, Esther Lordieck und Lennart Schuchaert), Köln: jfc Medienzentrum. “Inspired by the classic game Monopoly, this version is about collecting devices, big data players and institutions instead of roads. The infinite currency “data” shows the lack of protection of Read more…

Silent Circle


Silent Circle (2015): #PrivacyProject. This video, which was produced by Silent Circle, a company that offers secure technologies, presents a street experiment that aims to promote a critical reflection of data collection through a better understanding of online services’ terms and conditions. While this presents a great entrance in the Read more…

Big Data im Gesundheitswesen

Big Data im Gesundheitswesen

Big Data im Gesundheitswesen. Lehrmaterialien für den Schulunterricht. Jahrgangsstufen 10 bis 13, Tutzing: Akademie für politische Bildung. The teaching material “Big Data in Health Care” was developed as part of a discourse project at the Academy for Political Education Tutzing and was developed together with teachers and subject didacticians for Read more…

Big Data Methoden (jfc)


jfc Medienzentrum (2018): Lernparcours Big Data, jfc Medienzentrum: Köln (Autorinnen: Gerda Sieben und Esther Lordieck) The playful introduction to the topic of data flow and storage provides a view of the institutions that profit from Big Data. The participatory story makes it possible to experience the loss of control over Read more…


Der kleine Datentest

Landeszentrale für politische Bildung NRW (ohne Jahr): Der kleine Datentest, LpB NRW: Düsseldorf. The online game “The little data test” promotes awareness of the consequences of data collection in everyday life by illustrating which data traces internet users leave behind in everyday life and for which purposes they can be Read more…