CCCLAP Technology

CCCLAP Technology

Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (2020): CCCLAP Technology. Political education magazine under the category “Technology”, including articles, videos and dossiers that critically reflect on the use and abuse of technology in society. Politisches Bildungsmagazin in der Rubrik “Technik” mit Artikeln, Videos und Dossiers, die sich kritisch mit dem Einsatz Read more…



BBC (2020): Bitesize KS3 Computer Science. Bitesize is a free online teaching tool from the BBC. It includes the subjects “Media Studies”, “Computer Sciences” and “Design and Technology” – in the latter, terms such as “computational thinking” or algorithms are explained. In the categories there are glossaries for individual terms Read more…

Big Data. Die drei V's

Medienpaket Big Data

„Big Data“ (, © Siemens Stiftung 2019, lizenziert unter CC BY-SA 4.0 international (Lizenztext siehe The media package developed by iRights.Lab is aimed at students from grade 7 and Part C from grade 10 and is suitable for the subjects of computer science, technology, social studies and ethics. The Read more…