

Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Rheinland-Pfalz (2022): Youngdata, Mainz. Youngdata is the youth portal of the independent data protection authorities of the federal and state governments, as well as the canton of Zurich. It is aimed at children and young people and provides them with information on Read more…


Your data matters

Information Commissioner’s Office (2018): Your data matters, London. Your data matters is an information service provided by the UK Information Commissioners Office and supports individuals in knowing and exercising their rights in relation to their data and its reuse. The ICO is an independent UK authority for safeguarding information rights Read more…


Digitalführerschein (DiFü)

Digitalführerschein DsiN Deutschland sicher im Netz course level Online-Kurs Gefahrenschutz sicher Teilnahmezertifikat Beruf The “Digitalführerschein” is an online course that covers various topics around digital media for beginners to advanced learners. Users can select their knowledge level (beginner, intermediate or advanced) and learn about digital devices, the internet, online communication, Read more…



Institut für Digitale Ethik der Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart: Privat-o-Mat. Stuttgart. The ‘Privat-o-Mat’ / Privacymeter is an online quiz that helps internet users to reflect and understand their own behaviour online and their habits regarding data protection. The website asks users 15 questions on different aspects of their daily digital Read more…

Digitale Lernwerkstatt

Datensammlung – Big Data

Digitale Lernwerkstatt (2019): Datensammlung – Big Data, Kronberg im Taunus. The module “Data Collection – Big Data” by the „Digitale Lernwerkstatt“ addresses teachers and deals with the mass collection and analysis of data. It contains three short videos. The first video gives a concise definition of big data (2 min), Read more…


Unterrichtsbeispiel Big Data

AKJS; Europauniversität Flensburg (2016): Unterrichtsbeispiel Big Data, Kiel und Flensburg. As part of a joint seminar of Aktion Kinder- und Jugendschutz Schleswig-Holstein e.V. and the European University of Flensburg, student teachers have dealt with the topic of Big Data in the context of health, geodata, heteronomy, publicity and data protection Read more…

Schule macht Daten

Schule macht Daten

Junge Tüftler; Fraunhofer IAIS (2021): Schule macht Daten, Berlin/Sankt Augustin. This online course addresses teachers who want to teach about the topic of AI & Machine Learning in secondary schools I and II. They will receive in-depth information, a variety of methods and practical suggestions for dealing with the topic Read more…