fluter Magazine (bpb)

Fluter: Daten

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (2018): fluter. Thema: Daten. Nr. 68. Magazin Issue on “Data” (in German) with various articles on data economy, data protection, social scoring, artifical intelligence, predictive policing and more. “Wenn es nichts kostet, bist du das Produkt. Diese Weisheit basiert auf der Erfahrung mit Konzernen wie Facebook Read more…

Big Data Medienkritik 4.0

Big Data Parcours

jfc Medienzentrum. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (2018): Big Data Parcours. “Big Data Analytics”- What is possible with the analysis of very large amounts of data? Five topics lead into a playful and political examination of the opportunities and risks of these new technological possibilities. With infographics, videos and learning games, Read more…